Corporate Communication and the Changing Global Trends
What would you prefer? Reading a daily newspaper or reading a news article online. Or reading a black and white medical report with minuscule font or a report with infographics, images and colour coordinated guidance? Most probably, your vote will go to the second option in each case scenario. If yes, then subconsciously, you have adapted to suit the habitat of the world of the internet. Still not surprised! Well, read along to find out how the world has changed while you were scrolling through your smart gadgets.
What Does Corporate Communication Have To Do With All This?
If that’s what you are thinking, then here is the answer. We aren’t going to rephrase the same quintessential line starting with, “With the advancement of technology…” You get it right. The central concept is that the internet has taken over the world, and it has become a necessity rather than a luxury in today’s time. Everything is happening online, starting from business to food delivery, to medicines, to filing police complaints; all of this is just a click away.
And the noteworthy aspect about all this is that there is no returning to the old ways of life. It isn’t considered lunatic anymore that a human being is interacting with the screen. Gone are the days when communication was just restricted to human interaction. The horizon has widened, making it possible for a human to interact with millions of other humans around the world. That is what Corporate Communication constitutes and much more.
Traditional V/S Contemporary Trends

As per a thesis on the topic ‘Corporate Communication: Global Scenario’, most traditional corporate communication was done either via advertisement or managing public relations. It is evident that conventional corporate communication heavily depended on publicity and word of mouth. The situation has changed drastically, wherein securing a column in a daily lead was the be-all and end-all. Whereas now, innovative and tech-savvy techniques like using corporate videos, brand films, feature films etc. are used for spreading brand awareness. Here are a few ways in which corporate communication has changed over time:
1. From Manual Presentations to Professional Presentations:
Who would have thought that a 6.5-inch screen will be capable enough to prepare an entire presentation one day! That is precisely what is happening right now. Using chart papers, pens and boards, the presentation concept has shifted to incorporate infographics, small animations and a specific colour palette. Companies nowadays want absolute professional results. From immaculate content to best in class infographics, all in one presentation. All of this so that not only you win the race but continue to grab the first position.

2. From Salesman to Social Media:
Heard about small businesses? Where do you think they start? How did they come into vogue? Well, the millennial consumer has become smarter than ever. They know precisely what they are consuming and why. Thus, social media has replaced these salesmen completely, where starting from advertisement to product reviews, everything is available for the consumer to assist in making the right choice. That gives a relevant and free of cost platform for the small business owners to initiate a venture and gain exposure!

3. From Writing on Whiteboard to Whiteboard Animation:
Can you recall the scene where the boss of the corporate company had the monthly schedule written on the whiteboard. This is still done sometimes, but that has become a rare scene! Nowadays, effective tools like images, infographics and animation are deployed by MNCs to communicate to a larger audience. The ever-expanding horizon of public reach in today’s time has led to the catfight of consumer’s attention. In this cut-throat competition, you must be prompt with your services, otherwise, you’ll be soon out of the competition.

4. From Regional Office to Localization of Website:
Well a lot can be covered under this subheading, but the one thing which needs attention is the fact that a personalized approach with a tint of humanity is what every love-sick consumer is looking for. (Varnan comes to the rescue of such a love-sick mass by gifting them with stories, gifting them with a lens to view the story and by extension, view the world. But that’s for another blog!). But the same point must be kept in mind while you are planning to go global from your regional office. Mere translation of the website content may not hold the capacity to move the consumer of the new market. Hence, localization is the process that you must opt for, which will take care of the sensitive cultural pragmatics to the dialectical differences!

5. From Newspapers To Digital Articles:
The recent times are such that most of the talking is done through graphics (images) and words. Intelligent people have combined these two aspects and devised infographics, which contains information with a relevant and compelling graphic. This new hotcake has replaced the traditional corporate communication model from an entitled article in the goodwill of the company. Although blogs and articles are still regularly written (like the one you are reading right now), the print mode has changed from physical to digital.

6. From Building Public Links to Backlinks:
Public image and goodwill still top the priority list of most corporate companies, but the methodology has changed drastically. Where human trust played the most crucial role in the past, websites have replaced the same. As a result, Backlinking or building trust through websites is a significant way to secure the top rank in SERPs.

Communication Has Many Types
Communication is what we do here at Varnan! From the people, by the people and to the people. NO, it’s not the slogan of democracy, it’s the slogan of our storytelling. We communicate to the people, via the stories which are born from among them. We weave stories and that’s what we do best. Talking about corporate communication specifically, our corporate film on Interarch Buildings is indicative of the changes we mentioned above. For the film, Varnan took special care that the goal-oriented outlook of the company is specifically highlighted through the work culture and infrastructure of the company.
Didn’t we tell you that Varnan has the capacity to foresee the future? That’s exactly what is represented in the corporate film of Chhattisgarh Food Corporation. The post-production editing with the usage of special effects and 3D animation to project the futuristic image of the state has impressed every viewer! This was only a mini glimpse of what we have in store for you! Follow this space for more such fun and informative blogs.